All project events organised or presented by Wolfram Aichinger

Midwife-"Tales" from Mexico, Valencia, Slave-Master-Households and the Casas de Austria. Recurrent Cultural Functions in Changing Settings

Wolfram Aichinger
Comadres, Dais, Sage-femmes.
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
18.10.2019 - 18.10.2019

Emergency baptism in Early Modern and Medieval Spain. Interfaces between Religious and Obstetrical Care

Wolfram Aichinger
International Medieval Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2019 - 2.7.2019

Philosophie der Handlung. Komödien in der Romania vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert

Wolfram Aichinger
Philosophie der Handlung. Komödien in der Romania vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
14.6.2019 - 14.6.2019

Philology meets Medicine

Wolfram Aichinger
Philology meets Medicine<br/>
Lecture series, colloquium, Organisation of ...
3.6.2019 - 3.6.2019

La Edad de Lucina. Procreación, parto e interpretación de la vida en el Siglo de Oro espanyol

Wolfram Aichinger
La Edad de Lucina. Procreación, parto e interpretación de la vida en el Siglo de Oro espanyol
Panel discussion, round table, Organisation of ...
21.5.2019 - 21.5.2019

Calderón Das Leben ist Traum

Wolfram Aichinger
Talk or oral contribution
9.4.2019 - 9.4.2019

Emergency Baptism and the 'limbus puerorum' in Early Modern Spain

Wolfram Aichinger
Talk or oral contribution
1.2.2019 - 1.2.2019

Emergency Baptism and the limbus puerorum in Early Modern Spain

Wolfram Aichinger
Pregnancies, Childbirths, and Religions: Rituals, Normative Perspectives, and Individual Appropriations
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
1.2.2019 - 1.2.2019

El parto sin embarazo. Experiencia y memoria según Gonzalo de Berceo

Wolfram Aichinger
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
15.11.2018 - 15.11.2018

Embarazo, parto, ciclo lunar: experiencia humana y metamorfosis poética en el Siglo de Oro español

Wolfram Aichinger
Métamorphoses et mutations
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.11.2018 - 9.11.2018