Pieza del mes

The text "Conexos entre el parto y la muerte en el México precolonial", written by Hannah Mühlparzer, was appointed as "Pieza del Mes" in May 2024 by the Museo Virtual de Ecología Humana.

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Ritmo y estructura de la comedia áurea

Doctoral thesis

Project member Fernando Sanz-Lázaro has recently defended with distinction his doctoral thesis on digital methods for the analysis of Early Modern Spanish drama (DOI: 10.25365/thesis.75102). The expertise in digital methods of textural analysis developed during his doctoral research will bring new digital humanistic approaches to historical documents to the project.

OeAW DOC fellowship

Project member Sabrina Grohsebner has been awarded an OeAW DOC fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Sept 2023–August 2025).

The funding will enable her to complete her dissertation Body and Culture in the Hands of Midwives. Scientific, Social and Religious Discourses on Birth Assistance in Early Modern Spain and to deepen her research on the midwife’s hands as keys to professional divisions, social patrons, religious imagery and aesthetic conventions in early modern Spanish texts and images.

Photos: © ÖAW/Natascha Unkart

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The Viennese Siglo de Oro journal contains current research on childbirth from researchers around the globe.  

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